by Woytek

Legia's fans' demonstration

Hugollek - Wiadomość archiwalna

Due to the decision of Masovian voivode, Legia’s match against Korona Kielce had to be played without presence of supporters. This political and ridiculous resolution was made on application of Poland’s Prime Minister Donald Tusk who used to be Lechia’s fanatic many years ago. This was a retribution for the situation from the final game of the Polish Cup in Bydgoszcz when hundreds of fans entered the pitch to celebrate the victory with their footballers.

Nearly 3000 Legia’s supporters demonstrated against the decision of the government administration in front of the stadium.
It seems that the Prime Minister had forgotten about his roots and doesn’t understand football supporters anymore. That’s why fans decided to change the government as well as the Prime Minister. They chanted different slogans such as: "Donald, you dumbhead, your government will be overturned by supporters" (Polish: "Donald matole, twój rząd obalą kibole") or "Donald, have you forgotten yet as you used to brawl with Lechia?" (Polish: "Donald, czy już zapomniałeś jak na Lechii rozrabiałeś?") and presented several anti-government banners.

We encourage you to see 23 photos from the manifestation taken by Woytek and Mishka.
We also induce you to watch the video from the demonstration below this news.

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