Friendly: Legia 5-0 Pilica Białobrzegi
In a friendly game against Pilica Białobrzegi which took place on the side pitch yesterday Legia’s footballers managed to score five goals. Warsaw club’s coaching staff decided to make use of this game to take a closer look at players who don’t have the opportunity to appear regularly in the starting lineup. Legia’s footballers were undeniably better than players from Polish Fourth Division and won 5-0. Two goals were scored by Michał Żyro. Single goals were struck by: Moshe Ohayon, Danijel Ljuboja and Janusz Gol.
In the 28th minute of the game Michal Hubnik suffered an injury and had to leave the pitch. Fortunately, the injury isn’t very serious and the Czech should be ready for the match against Górnik Zabrze on Friday.
There were three periods of the match. Each of them lasted 30 minutes.
Legia Warsaw 5-0 (0-0, 2-0, 3-0) Pilica Białobrzegi
1-0 – 36’ Moshe Ohayon
2-0 – 53’ Michał Żyro
3-0 – 61’ Michał Żyro
4-0 – 86’ Danijel Ljuboja
5-0 – 90’ Janusz Gol
Legia Warsaw: 12. Dusan Kuciak (45’ 1. Marijan Antolović) - 23. Srdja Knezević (61’ 16. Ariel Borysiuk), 4. Dickson Choto, 15. Inaki Astiz (61’ 14. Michał Żewłakow), 31. Tomasz Kiełbowicz - 20. Jakub Kosecki (61’ 9. Manu), 30. Artur Jędrzejczyk, 18. Moshe Ohayon (61’ 5. Janusz Gol), 21. Ivica Vrdoljak (61’ 29. Miroslav Radović), 27. Rafał Wolski (61’ 28. Danijel Ljuboja) - 7. Michal Hubník (31’ 78. Michał Żyro)
Pilica Białobrzegi: 1. Adam Bolek (71’ 12. Karol Pasturczyk) - 4. Piotr Bogacki (53’ 2. Marcin Mazur, 80’ 19. Konrad Rojek), 11. Mirosław Siara, 3. Paweł Wysocki, 16. Łukasz Jasikowski - 6. Mateusz Wojtysiak (52’ 19. Konrad Rojek, 77’ 18. Rafał Masłowski), 5. Łukasz Krzyżański (79’ 8. Piotr Dąbrowski), 7. Michał Janowski (83’ 13. Tomasz Kuźma), 20. Jacek Kacprzak (61’ 17. Michał Kucharczyk), 9. Jarosław Karolewski (80’ 14. Michał Wasilewski) - 15. Marek Gołębiewski (80’ 10. Kamil Ziemnicki)

fot. Hugollek