Majkowski is recovering

Hugollek - Wiadomość archiwalna

'Kamil Majkowski was loaned from Legia to Znicz Pruszków two weeks ago. However, the player didn't appear on the pitch during Znicz's first league game against Wisła Płock. "Kamil came to our team with ankle joint's injury which he suffered during Legia's preparatory camp in Austria. Fortunately, he resumed the trainings about a week ago and he'll be surely taken into consideration for the Friday match against GKS Katowice. We only have to prepare him with regard to the exertion issues" – said Krzysztof Chrobak, Znicz's coach.
Kamil Majkowski,Krzysztof Chrobak,Znicz Pruszków,injury,recovering,ankle joint,preparatory camp,trainings

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