Three years without a goal

Hugollek and Tomek Janus - Wiadomość archiwalna

In the 12th minute of the game against Śląsk Wrocław Dickson Choto took advantage of Maciej Iwański’s pass and scored a goal with a header. This was the first goal of Legia’s footballers since three games (two in the league and one in the Polish Cup) without a goal. “Dixi” however could be transported with joy, because this was his first goal since more than three years! The last game when his name was registered in the scorers’ list took place on 21st October 2006. Legia defeated then 5-0 Górnik Łęczna.
Dickson Choto,Śląsk Wrocław,Górnik Łęczna,statistics,stats

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